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  • FaceBot: Meta to launch new AI agents

FaceBot: Meta to launch new AI agents

Good morning, welcome to AI Joe, the newsletter that’s cooler than James Bond ordering a martini.

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Here’s what’s on today’s agenda 👇️ 

  • Meta adds AI everywhere 💬 

  • Man sues ChatGPT 👨‍⚖️ 

  • How do people really feel about AI at work🤖

  • Mark Zuckerburg on Lex Friedman 🎧️ 

  • Runway ML text to video 🔤 📹️ 

Meta to add AI to Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp 💬 

New AI friends are coming to all your social media apps!

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Meta is going all in on AI

On Thursday at a company all-hands meeting Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, announced to employees that it will be adding AI features to all of its products.

These features will include:

  • Text generators

  • Image generators

  • Video generators

Text generators will include AI agents on Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. Photo and Video generators will allow users to edit photos and videos on Instagram using text-based prompts like “make me look skinnier.”

Why’s it matter?

While Meta has been notably on the frontier of AI development, it’s been slow to roll out AI features to users. As we see more AI features from other big tech companies, the pressure to show results from years of research and investment is growing.

In the last year, we've seen some really incredible breakthroughs -- qualitative breakthroughs -- on generative AI and that gives us the opportunity to now go take that technology, push it forward, and build it into every single one of our products.

Mark Zuckerberg

Joe’s Takeaway: We’ve seen AI functionality already from Microsoft, OpenAI, Snapchat, Salesforce, Adobe, and more large tech companies. Meta is next in line. We’ll be hearing about more functionality for more tech companies in the coming months. It will be interesting to see how people use AI as it gets built into products they already use every day.

Link to full article here

ChatGPT, You’ve Been Served 🎾 

A Georgia man is suing ChatGPT for libel after it gave false information about him to a reporter.

via Giphy

Can you really do that?

Apparently, you can. Radio host, Mark Walters, is suing OpenAI after ChatGPT claimed that he embezzled funds from The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF).

Walters claimed that this “hallucination” (a term used to describe chatbots providing incorrect information) damaged his reputation. While it’s unlikely Walters will win his case, it will set a precedent for how courts will handle chatbot hallucinations in the future.

"While research and development in AI is a worthwhile endeavor, it is irresponsible to unleash a system on the public knowing that it fabricates information that can cause harm."

John Monroe, Attorney

Joe’s Takeaway: OpenAI, Google, Anthropic and other AI chat providers all add disclaimers that the information provided may be false, but most users still take results at face value. AI “hallucinations” can be especially damaging when speaking about a specific person or public figure. Hallucinations are the most pressing issue that AI chatbots face today.

Link to full article here

How professionals feel about AI 🧑‍💼 

Boston Consulting Group asked 13,000 professionals from C-suite to the frontline how they feel about AI. The results are fascinating.

Via Giphy

So what are the people saying?

AI is getting a healthy mix of optimism and concern from all types of professionals.

  • People leaders (including C-suite and middle management) are more optimistic than frontline workers. (62% vs. 42%)

  • Regular users of AI are more optimistic than non-users (62% to 36%)

  • Regular users also see more opportunities and threats from AI (likely because they’re paying more attention.)

Training on how to use AI is highly skewed toward leaders. 44% of leaders have already received some sort of AI training, compared to 14% of frontline workers. Along with training, usage is also heavily skewed toward leaders. 81% of leaders surveyed claimed to be regular users of AI, compared to just 21% of frontline workers.

Just by reading AI Joe, you’re putting yourself on a path to leadership!

Joe’s Takeaway: The adoption of AI has come extremely quickly in the workplace. Predictably, it started with leadership, but I predict individual contributors will be the largest beneficiaries of AI. Now is the time to get ahead of the curve and learn how AI can make you more productive!

Link to full article here

Joe’s Content Recommendation 🎧️ 

Mark cover’s a lot of ground about AI on this pod. Here are some of the topics he covers 👇️ 

  • Large organizations with the capital to build AI should be open-sourcing

  • There is not an existential threat with AI in its current state

  • There will be many AIs for different purposes rather than one AI for every purpose

  • There need to be 2-3 more significant breakthroughs to get to Artificial General Intelligence (AI that is smart in multiple ways like a human).

  • Aligning AI to human interests is important at this stage of development

  • Most creators will have an AI clone to interact with fans/followers

  • So much more!!

    Joe’s Takeaway: Zuckerberg is living and breathing AI every single day at Meta. His voice carries a lot of weight. It will be interesting to see how the “many AIs, vs 1 AI” hypothesis plays out. I’m excited to see the role AI plays in Meta products over the next 1, 3, and 5-year periods.

Check out the episode notes here

How you can use AI this week

Create a short video using just text!

  1. Go to this website

  2. Click “Try Runway For Free”

  3. Create an account

  4. Click “Try for free”

  5. Click “Gen 2: Text to Video”

  6. Type a prompt to create a video

Check out this video I made using this prompt 👇️ 

Snow falling on busy street in times square

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