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  • AI is making moves to end cancer šŸš«

AI is making moves to end cancer šŸš«

Good morning, welcome to AI Joe, the newsletter thatā€™s tighter than Luke Bryanā€™s jeans in 2012.

Hereā€™s whatā€™s on todayā€™s agenda šŸ‘‡ļø 

  • Is AI the cure for cancer? šŸ’Š 

  • GirlfriendGPT šŸ‘© 

  • AI chatbot gone wrong šŸ¤– 

  • Shak Shaker Shamillion šŸ‹ļø 

  • Build a website in 90 seconds šŸ¦¾ 

Can we cure cancer with AI? šŸ¤– 

AI has some BIG plans thanks to Ezra Inc. Theyā€™ve got their sights set on using a combination of MRI and AI to stop cancer dead in its tracks.

Via Giphy

Cure you say?

The Founder and CEO of Ezra Inc., Emi Gal, has a history of cancer in his family. Due to his family history, heā€™s also considered at risk.

Itā€™s his firm belief that the cure to cancer is early detection.

Thatā€™s why he set out to create cancer screening thatā€™s fast, affordable, and comprehensive.

So, howā€™s screening work?

Today, screening is challenging. Some types of cancer like breast cancer and colon cancer have very clear screening processes. Most cancer, however, is not discovered until the patient has symptoms. Often too late.

The team at Ezra is leveraging AI to speed up the MRI process and quickly identify patterns that are consistent with cancer in the scans. These scans cover:

  • Organs

  • Cancer

  • Brain aneurysms

  • Fatty liver disease

  • and more!

The AI is also helping them reduce time in the scanner from 60 minutes to 30 minutes. This is possible because AI does not need the image to be as clear as the human eye does.

This reduced time is also leading to a reduced price from $1,950 to $1,350.

"Ultimately, our goal is to create a $500 full-body MRI that anyone can afford"

Emi Gal

Joeā€™s Takeaway: While this isnā€™t completely affordable for everyone, preventative care is key to fixing our healthcare system. There will be a lot of other innovations in the medical space thanks to AI. This will allow our medical professionals to be more proactive with patients and hopefully help them before they have symptoms. Medicine is one of the most exciting places AI can impact our world, Iā€™ll be keeping a close eye on it!

Link to full article here

This Guy Made an AI Clone of his Girlfriend šŸ¤” 

If your girlfriend doesnā€™t send you enough messagesā€¦ problem solved!

Enias Cailliau couldnā€™t get enough of his girlfriend and decided to create a clone of her using AI.

Similar to the AI Girlfriend, CarynAI we covered a few weeks ago, GirlfriendGPT lives in an app called Telegram.

In Telegram, GirlfriendGPT can send:

  • Text messages šŸ“ 

  • Voice messages (trained on her youtube videos) šŸ—£ļø 

  • Selfies (trained on her Instagram photos) šŸ“·ļø 

Though the tech isnā€™t quite perfect yetā€¦

Enias has also made it easy for others to copy his girlfriend (or build their own) by doing step-by-step tutorials on his Twitter and YouTube and sharing the code on GitHub.

Heā€™s also used the same process to build other personalities including a ā€œgym broā€ and a ā€œKarenā€ bot.

Joeā€™s Takeaway: Maybe the movie Her, where Joaquin Phoenixā€™s character falls in love with an AI, wasnā€™t so far off what we can expect in the future. Humans are already building emotional connections with AI. I think this will become more common in the coming years. Kids born today may even have virtual friends growing up!

Link to full article here

Eating Disorder AI Chatbot Gives Diet Tips

Maybe the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Helpline could still use a human touch šŸ’†ā€ā™‚ļø 

Via Giphy

Why are they using a chatbot?

Last week, NEDA announced theyā€™d be removing human staff in favor of an AI chatbot after the staff voted to form a union.

Whatā€™s the issue?

This week, NEDA launched its AI helpline with a bot called ā€œTessaā€ and the rollout wasnā€™t exactly smoothā€¦

Critics shared screenshots showing the chatbot:

  • Giving dieting/weight loss advice šŸ„¦ 

    • Recommending large caloric deficits āž– 

    • Recommending weighing and measuring themself weekly šŸ“ 

    • Recommending skin calipers to measure body fat šŸ«ƒ

  • Claiming it was ā€œunable to answer questions about eating disordersā€ šŸ˜• 

Joeā€™s Takeaway: It seems like the Tessa bot was set up to fail from the beginning. They brought in AI to help humans with a very real, very human, very sensitive, and dangerous subject. This is extremely challenging to get right with a chatbot, but even more difficult to get right in one week. It seems that NEDA rushed to get a product out to users and failed miserably to get it right.

AI is not the best tool for everything!

Link to full article here

Joeā€™s AI Content of the Week šŸŽ„ 

Shak Shaker Shamillion

This week weā€™ve got a short but hilarious piece of content. YouTuber davyforce created a Shaquille Oā€™Neill and Shake Weight inspired infomercial entirely with AI. Though this infomercial probably wonā€™t sell many units of the ā€œShak Shaker Shamillionā€ it is a testament to how close we are to completely AI-created content and how far away we are too.

Joeā€™s Takeaway: If you work in product development or advertising, your job is probably safe for quite a while.

Let us know what you think!

How you can use AI this week

Create a business website in 90 seconds with AI:

  1. Go to 10web.io

  2. Click ā€œGet Started for Freeā€

  3. Create an account

  4. Click ā€œCreate a new website with AIā€

  5. Enter your business (I used ā€œLandscapingā€)

  6. Choose the structure you like best

  7. Enter business details - including name and description

  8. Enter your 3 primary services and any additional info

  9. Choose a ā€œFormalā€ or ā€œInformalā€ tone

  10. Click ā€œFinalizeā€

Hereā€™s the website I created for Joeā€™s Landscaping:

Based on this thread from @aisolopreneur

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